Hi, I am MezdekA Berlin based web developer
From September 2021 to February 2022, I attended a full-stack web development boot camp at Wild Code School. Together with my classmates, I learned how to build complete web applications using React, Node, Express, and MySQL with the help of many dojos and workshops.
Here are some of the projects I worked on:
Music Jam
Music Jam

A React.js project for musicians to meet and jam together.

It was built with a team of 8 people while taking part in a hackathon.

It was a good chance to learn how to work with a bigger team on a single project.

Planet Music
Planet Music

A React.js project, which consumes 4 Web-APIs, that is all about music, including streaming, events, news and quizzes.

It was my first experience with React.js and APIs in a group and I learned a lot about it.


A full stack web app developed using Next.js, CSS Modules and MySQL.

It is a platform for users to freely post and share their thoughts and experiences.

My Portfolio
My Portfolio

This very website you're browsing right now.

I used the amazing Next.js framework together with a bit of Redux for the state and CSS Modules for the styling.


A project from Frontend Mentor that I haven't finished yet.

It is expectd to be a small e-commerce website for selling musical products.

Check the repo's readme file on my github for more detail

I have always worked with people. My language skills gave me the tools I needed to work with others as a translator

2012 - 2020
Various Organizations
Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Germany

  • Interpretation to and from Arabic, English, German, Kurdish, and Turkish
  • Informing of cultural misunderstandings and suggesting alternative phrases
  • Translations and preparation of brochures, booklets, and other materials
  • Engagement in a variety of fields including medical, humanitarian, organizational, and logistical
, but I have also been a barkeeper/waiter

2018 - 2020
Various Bars
Ludwigsburg and Berlin, Germany

  • Preparation and serving of beverages of more than 30 different recipes
  • Directing shifts serving in events of few hundred guests
  • Maintaining flawless accounting at the end of the day
, a receptionist

2015 - 2016
Best House Hotel
Istanbul, Turkey

  • Welcoming guests and providing them with the most suitable room
  • Assessing the credentials of the guests and verifying a legal and smooth check-in
  • Informing guests about the hotel's policies and procedures
  • Answering phones and managing bookings and reservations
  • Working night shifts and on the weekends
in Istanbul and a Liaison Officer

2012 - 2013
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

  • Regularly visiting hundreds of refugees in dozens of scattered camps and temporary residences
  • Assessing and Documenting the living, housing, and sanitation situation of the refugees through observation, interviews, and surveys
  • Reporting to the medical department and co-organizing mobile clinics that are relevant to the needs of the refugees
  • Reporting to the logistic department and co-organizing necessary logistics operations as construction of latrines or distribution of water canisters
  • Organization of the transportation process of critical patients to the Turkish medical teams on the border
with Doctors without Borders during the war in Syria. Now I’m ready for a new challenge; I’m starting a career as a developer for web applications.


Born in 1989 in Al-Hasaka, I’ve always been curious and talkative. My love of learning soon led me to programming, starting with MSX BASIC when I was only 9 years old. I was also fascinated by the green circuit boards of electronics and I began a project to build a small radio at 14. Later, I went on to study mathematics, but I missed the hands-on nature of my projects. I made up my mind to change, but the Syrian revolution had started.
In 2011, to avoid joining the military suppression of Assad’s regime, I left to go to Turkey. After a period of instability, I arrived in Germany in 2016.
The natural curiosity that defined me as a child is still guiding me. My interest in etymology has led to a love of language. As well as my native Kurdish and Arabic, I also speak fluent English and German. I even know some Turkish!
My fascination with the world doesn’t stop there. History captivates me, particularly ancient history. I spend my free time volunteering in places I can help others or going for long hikes.